Home Learning Study
Read our research reports on Education in the Time of Corona

Education in the time of Corona: Home Learning Study is a survey for teachers and parents of school-aged pupils in the UK. It aims to increase our understanding of home learning provisions, material, and support that schools offered during the school closures, and what parents and teachers think about them. It also aims to uncover and understand inequalities in home learning between different groups of pupils, families, and schools.
We have now published seven reports, all of which are freely available below. We have also written a book chapter that will appear in a forthcoming book on pandemics, and have published a peer-reviewed journal article based on the results of the study, which you can access here:
Easterbrook, M. J., Doyle, L., Grozev, V. H., Kosakowska-Berezecka, N., Harris, P. R. & Phalet, K. (2022). Socioeconomic and gender inequalities in home learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: examining the roles of the home environment, parent supervision, and educational provisions. Educational and Developmental Psychologist. https://doi-org.ezproxy.sussex.ac.uk/10.1080/20590776.2021.2014281
Our analyses have been split into a number of key questions (e.g. How much time did children spend home learning?), each of which has a short report dedicated to it. You can click on the links below to information about the background of study, as well as the reports for each research question.
So far, we have published reports on the following topics:
Inequalities in time spent home learning
Inequalities in the amount of materials provided by the schools that pupils used
Inequalities in pupil engagement
Inequalities in pupil motivation
Inequalities in how difficult pupils found home learning, and some reasons why
Inequalities in the home learning provisions provided by different types of schools
School provisions and their association with pupils' home learning and parents' stress
Click on the relevant post, below, to read the executive summaries and access the reports.
See our Media page to read about our work in the media.
We are extremely grateful to the European Association of Social Psychology for providing the initial funding for this project, and to the University of Sussex’s Higher Education Innovation Fund for continued support.