Impact workshops
See how our workshops can generate real impact in schools

We run a range of workshops for schools and others.
All our workshops are highly collaborative and typically consist of two elements:
Interactive sessions to bring participants up to speed with the latest social psychological research into educational inequalities and how to reduce them. These can be tailored to different audiences, for example to school teachers, school leaders, or university staff whose job it is to increase the number of underrepresented students applying to their institution.
Structured planning sessions to help participants use the ideas from the earlier sessions to develop action plans to implement in their own school or other organisation.
Most recently, we ran a one-day workshop to help teachers and headteachers develop action plans to reduce inequalities in their school. This included the opportunity to exchange experience and knowledge with specialists from leading organisations in the psychology of education, teacher training, widening participation in university, local government, and education research funding. The Psychologist, the magazine of the British Psychological Society, have published perspectives on the day of three of the participants: read them here. You can also click on the pdf below for a report summarising the workshop.
Here are a few examples of the feedback from the day:
“I feel positive and empowered to return to school and make some changes.”
“It provided good research background for our work going forward.”
“Given me a greater understanding of how belonging is experienced – and grown.”
“The conference was great! Even though we have been doing a lot in this area I still have come away with new ideas and perspectives.”
Please contact us if you are interested in discussing how one of our workshops might help your organisation reduce inequalities in education.